This is a log of an upgrade from 2.3a13 to 2.3a20.

The stuff you should enter is in bold red.

It's pretty simple.

The first thing you do is back up your mud, of course.

This procedure has been tested with a13 through a19 and works fine.

If it screws up, just download the full manual patch, which is here:

Note: When liveupgrading, you'll first pick up a few files, to upgrade you to interim rev 16. Then
you'll do another upgrade and you'll be done.

Escape character is '^]'.

Connected to Dead Souls Beta, an LP mud running on Solaris.

                The Dead Souls Object Library version 2

                This software is copyrighted and not GPL.

                 For more info:

         Driver: MudOS v22.2b14               Mudlib: Dead Souls 2.3a13

What name do you wish?

Creator news:
                             Creator news

Dead Souls Admin FAQ:

Dead Souls Creator FAQ:

Editor tutorial:

The Creators Manual has been updated and revised!
There is a sweet new section on the Quick Creation System.
Starting with chapter 31, there are chapters now on how to
create things superfast, supereasy.
To get started with the first QCS chapter, the command is:

read chapter 31 in manual

Press <return> to continue: sourcing command: people
 1 person in current sort                                        EST time is: Fri Mar 16 12:46:49 2007
00 m  1  [Cratylus]                             ~cratylus/workroom
                                            Dead Souls Beta
sourcing command: uptime
Dead Souls Beta has been up for 16s.
sourcing command: boards
Immortal board has no new messages posted.
Admin board has no new messages posted.
Sourcing complete.
You wear a wizard's hat.
You wear a robe.

Admin news:
                              Admin news


* To change your mud's name, use the command: admintool
  and select the "driver" menu. Do the same for port number.

* To make someone else an assistant admin also use admintool.
  Select groups, and modify the assist group.

* DO NOT try to modify mudos.cfg or groups.cfg unless you know
  what you're doing. IF you do try, be sure to back up the originals.

* To know what players can do, type:

read handbook

* To know what creators can do, type:

read manual

* And you really, really have to read chapters 31 through 38 of the
  manual. They are not long chapters, and you will be very happy
  you did.

* You now have an intermud channel available by default. If you
  see something like:

Cratylus@Dead Souls <ds> Hi there!

  Don't be surprised. "ds" is an intermud communication channel
  between Dead Souls muds. To chat, type:

ds blah blah

  It's new, so don't expect an answer right away.

* To read this information again, type: news admin

Press <return> to continue:
Cratylus' workroom [e, d]
You are standing in the workroom of the mighty Cratylus!
You may return to the Creators' Hall by going down.
A sample room is east.
There is a sign here you can read.
There is a sheet here you can read.
A recycling bin and a wooden chest are here.

> cd /secure/upgrades
> ls *
 1   0^0tmp0^0sample.txt

 001 mud_info.2.3a5    1   upgrades.2.3a5    1   upgrades.txt
 001 mud_info.2.3a6    001 upgrades.2.3a6
 001 mud_info.2.3a7    002 upgrades.2.3a9

> liveupgrade all //You will need to issue this command twice. This first time is for the file list.
You're either missing the current updates file, or it is still downloading. Please wait a minute then
try again.
> ls *
 1   0^0tmp0^0sample.txt

 1   list.txt          001 mud_info.2.3a7    002 upgrades.2.3a9
 001 mud_info.2.3a5    1   upgrades.2.3a5    1   upgrades.txt
 001 mud_info.2.3a6    001 upgrades.2.3a6

> cat /secure/upgrades/txt/list.txt
> liveupgrade all //When the list is downloaded, then issue the liveupgrade all again
Full upgrade begun.
> ls *
 007 0^0secure0^0cmds0^0ad 006 0^0secure0^0daemon0^0 1   0^0tmp0^0sample.txt
 022 0^0secure0^0cmds0^0ad 005 0^0secure0^0daemon0^0
 006 0^0secure0^0daemon0^0 1   0^0secure0^0scripts0^

 001 mud_info.2.3a5    1   upgrades.2.3a5    1   upgrades.txt
 001 mud_info.2.3a6    001 upgrades.2.3a6
 001 mud_info.2.3a7    002 upgrades.2.3a9

> liveupgrade apply //When the six files are downloaded, apply the upgrade
Copied: /secure/cmds/admins/liveupgrade.c to /realms/cratylus/bak/liveupgrade.c.1174067274
Copied: /secure/cmds/admins/mudconfig.c to /realms/cratylus/bak/mudconfig.c.1174067274
Copied: /secure/daemon/update.c to /realms/cratylus/bak/update.c.1174067274
Copied: /secure/daemon/update.patch to /realms/cratylus/bak/update.patch.1174067274
Copied: /secure/daemon/wget.c to /realms/cratylus/bak/wget.c.1174067274
> shutdown now //Reboot
Game is shut down by cratylus.

> Connection to localhost closed by foreign host.

$ telnet localhost 8111
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
Connected to Dead Souls Beta, an LP mud running on Solaris.

                The Dead Souls Object Library version 2

                This software is copyrighted and not GPL.

                 For more info:

         Driver: MudOS v22.2b14               Mudlib: Dead Souls 2.3a16

//NOTE! a16 is an interim rev. You're not done!

What name do you wish?
Cratylus' workroom [e, d]
You are standing in the workroom of the mighty Cratylus!
You may return to the Creators' Hall by going down.
A sample room is east.
There is a sign here you can read.
There is a sheet here you can read.
A wooden chest and a recycling bin are here.

sourcing command: people
 1 person in current sort                                        EST time is: Fri Mar 16 12:48:21 2007
00 m  1  Cratylus                              ~cratylus/workroom
                                            Dead Souls Beta
sourcing command: uptime
Dead Souls Beta has been up for 15s.
sourcing command: boards
Immortal board has no new messages posted.
Admin board has no new messages posted.
Sourcing complete.
> You wear a robe.
You wear a wizard's hat.
> You wear a robe.
You wear a wizard's hat.
> liveupgrade all //This time you only need do this once
Downloading updates table. Please wait...
> Full upgrade begun.
Please wait until you receive a completion message,  then issue the command: liveupgrade apply

You must *always* do a full backup before applying the liveupgrade. If the liveupgrade screwed up, and
you get garbage files because of connection problems, it may be necessary for you to restore from backup
to be able to start the mud again. You've been warned.
Received /code/upgrades/2.3a16/cfg
Received /code/upgrades/2.3a16/cfg/timezone.cfg
Received /code/upgrades/2.3a16/cmds
Received /code/upgrades/2.3a16/cmds/creators
Received /code/upgrades/2.3a16/cmds/creators/goto.c
Received /code/upgrades/2.3a16/cmds/creators/wizlist.c
Requesting: file: /code/upgrades/2.3a16/secure/tmp/files.txt
Requesting: file: /code/upgrades/2.3a16/lib/interface.c
Requesting: file: /code/upgrades/2.3a16/domains/town/armor/newbie_ring.c

//A whole bunch of files will scroll by. This will take a few minutes. It's a big upgrade.

Requesting: file: /code/upgrades/2.3a16/www/index.html
Received /code/upgrades/2.3a16/www/index.html
Received /code/upgrades/2.3a16/secure/lib/connect.first

File download complete. After backing up your mud, issue the command: liveupgrade apply

> liveupgrade apply
I hope you backed up...

Copied: /cfg/timezone.cfg to /realms/cratylus/bak/timezone.cfg.1174068466
Copied: /cmds/creators/goto.c to /realms/cratylus/bak/goto.c.1174068466
Copied: /cmds/creators/wizlist.c to /realms/cratylus/bak/wizlist.c.1174068466

//A whole bunch of files will scroll by. This will take a few seconds. It's a big upgrade.

Copied: /www/router.html to /realms/cratylus/bak/router.html.1174068466
Copied: /www/router_rules.html to /realms/cratylus/bak/router_rules.html.1174068466

Done. It is now a very good time to reboot the mud.
> ver: 2.3a16
native: string native_version() { return "2.3a15"; }

Connection to localhost closed by foreign host.

That's it. Log back in and you'll be at a20.