[2009.07.26-18.10,40] Davion@ADP Samsons problem is that it looks like you intentionally set your background to white just to aid in bitching about his MUD. Pretty sure he's not the only one who got that impression [2009.07.26-18.12,04] Raudhrskal Actually, white xterm's were the original default. Some people are used to it. [2009.07.26-18.12,39] Raudhrskal What if it would be my complaint? I have green background. [2009.07.26-18.13,10] Cratylus but thats not true [2009.07.26-18.13,22] Cratylus in fact i was just getting yelled at about it the other day [2009.07.26-18.13,26] Davion@ADP Honestly, looking at the colour of his game, any background colour would make me sick [2009.07.26-18.13,42] Cratylus people on i3 were all like whats wrong with yoiu [2009.07.26-18.13,47] Raudhrskal 'set ansi off'? [2009.07.26-18.13,59] Cratylus i actually use what bg in general [2009.07.26-18.14,07] Raudhrskal or is it impossible in this lib? [2009.07.26-18.14,50] HyperEye@SoulRuins I use a black shell to code at home. When I am at work I prefer a white shell or yellow tinted. Just a matter of lighting difference and what my eyes can handle. [2009.07.26-18.16,01] Davion@ADP I use white on black, or white on transparent dark. [2009.07.26-18.16,28] Cratylus i do sometimes use non-white bg, if im on a bunch of muds and trying to keep track of which is which [2009.07.26-18.16,52] Davion@ADP I use my prompt for that [2009.07.26-18.17,51] Cratylus i recently added character mode stuff to my mud so i can use a regular term as a client, so that's my thing now [2009.07.26-18.18,01] Cratylus i think it's sad that was samson's beef [2009.07.26-18.18,27] Cratylus got a 100 out of it tho :) [2009.07.26-18.19,59] Davion@ADP It's not sad if it was what you actually did ;) [2009.07.26-18.20,29] Cratylus but it wasnt [2009.07.26-18.20,34] Cratylus hang on lemme dig up a log [2009.07.26-18.20,35] Davion@ADP sez u [2009.07.26-18.20,40] Cratylus hang on [2009.07.26-18.20,46] Davion@ADP grins evilly. [2009.07.26-18.21,15] HyperEye@SoulRuins "Hang on... let me write up a log" [2009.07.26-18.21,19] HyperEye@SoulRuins grins evilly. [2009.07.26-18.21,46] Davion@ADP grins evilly. [2009.07.26-18.22,58] Cratylus http://dead-souls.net/ds-2009.07.23-14.21,01 [2009.07.26-18.23,16] Cratylus [2009.07.23-14.19,30] Cratylus having said all that, i happen to like black on white [2009.07.26-18.24,31] Koron@StormHunters I'm pretty sure I don't understand why this is a big enough deal to continue talking about [2009.07.26-18.25,17] Cratylus cuz samson and davion think i was intentionally trying to make a shitty mud look worse than it was [2009.07.26-18.25,32] Cratylus which is so silly i just had to point out how silly it is [2009.07.26-18.26,17] Davion@ADP I found it amusing [2009.07.26-18.31,28] Cratylus so yeah, kinda sad that someone liking black on white is so hard to believe [2009.07.26-18.31,52] Davion@ADP It is a little [2009.07.26-18.31,57] Kline@AF_Demo i used to roll that way, crat [2009.07.26-18.32,11] Kline@AF_Demo then the darker my cave of a home became i realized how much it hurt my eyes and switched [2009.07.26-18.34,08] Cratylus well i used to use gmoo, which defaulted to white on black [2009.07.26-18.34,36] Cratylus but since i set up this character mode stuff, it's been black on white for me [2009.07.26-18.35,04] Davion@ADP What is this character mode stuff yous peak of? [2009.07.26-18.35,19] Cratylus well, suppose yer using linux [2009.07.26-18.35,27] Cratylus you're at the terminal command line [2009.07.26-18.35,27] Davion@ADP Always! [2009.07.26-18.35,34] Cratylus you telnet to yourmud [2009.07.26-18.35,38] Cratylus log in, etc [2009.07.26-18.35,44] Cratylus if you hit the uparrow, what happens? [2009.07.26-18.35,57] Davion@ADP ^[[A [2009.07.26-18.36,01] Cratylus like [2009.07.26-18.36,03] Cratylus right [2009.07.26-18.36,13] Cratylus i get the last command i entered into the mud [2009.07.26-18.36,19] Davion@ADP Ah [2009.07.26-18.36,24] Davion@ADP You gave it a ssh type interface [2009.07.26-18.36,25] Cratylus i hit it again, i get the one before [2009.07.26-18.36,44] Cratylus i enabled character mode, allowing for escape sequences that let the session behave more like a shell i like [2009.07.26-18.36,46] Davion@ADP Wait, so you could have a nano-like text editor, eh? [2009.07.26-18.36,51] Cratylus i do actually [2009.07.26-18.36,54] Cratylus it's called ced [2009.07.26-18.36,57] Davion@ADP That's really cool [2009.07.26-18.37,03] Cratylus yes it is [2009.07.26-18.37,11] Davion@ADP For those of us who use konsole/telnet exclusively! Sweetness [2009.07.26-18.37,30] Cratylus so you can see now why im all about the regular terminal window [2009.07.26-18.37,33] Cratylus and plus [2009.07.26-18.37,42] Cratylus the color scheme matches what is happening when i'm working [2009.07.26-18.37,51] Davion@ADP Ah [2009.07.26-18.37,55] Cratylus a bunch of dark windows on my desktop look from far away like im goofin off [2009.07.26-18.38,07] Davion@ADP Ah [2009.07.26-18.38,19] Cratylus ye of little faith [2009.07.26-18.38,25] Cratylus unca crat doesnt lie [2009.07.26-18.40,55] Davion@ADP Considering you're not my unca, I dunno how to take that :P [2009.07.26-18.41,15] Kline@AF_Demo So anybody here who's done the embedded Lua thing? Specifically looking for help related to the wait.lua implementation from Gammon's site [2009.07.26-18.52,19] Davion@ADP Ask on MudBytes. There's a couple people who use Lua. At the very least, DH will give you helpful links [2009.07.26-18.52,59] Davion@ADP Always gotta have the last word, eh Crat? :P [2009.07.26-18.53,15] Cratylus cmon thats a lesson learned [2009.07.26-18.53,25] Cratylus you guys cuda just come out and said what was on yermind [2009.07.26-18.53,33] Davion@ADP I did! [2009.07.26-18.53,40] Cratylus well AFTER [2009.07.26-18.56,06] Cratylus i mean srsly look at it from my point of view [2009.07.26-18.56,16] Cratylus can you not see why im lik e"wtf is with HIM?" [2009.07.26-18.57,33] Davion@ADP Is 'no comment' an acceptible answer? [2009.07.26-18.57,40] Cratylus wait [2009.07.26-18.57,53] Cratylus you still think i intentionally switched to white to make them look bad? [2009.07.26-18.57,59] Davion@ADP No [2009.07.26-18.58,04] Cratylus ok whew [2009.07.26-18.58,13] Davion@ADP I'm a firm beliver that you dance to the beat of your own drum [2009.07.26-18.58,21] Davion@ADP believer* [2009.07.26-18.58,41] Cratylus all right well lookit, i srsly dont see anything weird about the color pref, and had no reason to imagine it was so hard to believe [2009.07.26-18.58,59] Cratylus from where i sat, samson was just being an aggressive troll for no reason [2009.07.26-18.59,07] Davion@ADP has honestly never known anyone (until now!) who's used black on white [2009.07.26-18.59,14] Cratylus if he'd explained that he thought i was being intentionally deceptive [2009.07.26-18.59,29] Cratylus then id have understood the belligerence [2009.07.26-18.59,35] Davion@ADP Your IMC comment he quoted makes it look like you did it consiously :) [2009.07.26-18.59,38] Cratylus and it would all have been quickly resolved [2009.07.26-18.59,55] Cratylus i cant help that, i was quoting a movie i thought was funny [2009.07.26-19.00,00] Davion@ADP He did, didn't he? I haven't talked to him about it. I just gathered from what he posted [2009.07.26-19.00,04] Cratylus "say anything" the scene with the kids in the parking lot [2009.07.26-19.00,39] Cratylus he didnt say he thought i was trying to make them look bad on purpose [2009.07.26-19.00,51] Cratylus if he had, i would have immediately addressed it [2009.07.26-19.01,04] Cratylus and we wouldnt even be talking about it anymore [2009.07.26-19.01,15] Davion@ADP "I just can't see why anyone would deliberately choose to use a white background and then use that as an excuse to bash someone's MUD because they used colors that don't go well with white." [2009.07.26-19.01,35] Cratylus that does not describe causation [2009.07.26-19.01,45] Cratylus that is not "you did X in order to Y [2009.07.26-19.01,51] Cratylus i didnt get that from that statement at all [2009.07.26-19.02,02] Cratylus i got "X then Y" [2009.07.26-19.02,12] Cratylus not "X so that Y" [2009.07.26-19.03,05] Davion@ADP lol. Normally Crat, I follow you, but you've lost me [2009.07.26-19.03,16] Cratylus ok [2009.07.26-19.03,29] Cratylus replace " and then use " with " in order to use " [2009.07.26-19.03,41] Cratylus they are two separate meanings [2009.07.26-19.03,54] Cratylus one says "you did thing X so that you could do thing Y" [2009.07.26-19.04,03] Cratylus the other says "you did thing X and then did thing Y" [2009.07.26-19.04,18] Cratylus for example [2009.07.26-19.04,45] Cratylus "i cant believe you half emptied your tires and are surprised you had an accident" [2009.07.26-19.04,57] Cratylus "i cant believe you half emptied your tires in order to have an accident" [2009.07.26-19.05,08] Cratylus there's a difference [2009.07.26-19.05,29] Cratylus his statement does not carry the implication that my white background was on purpose in order to be harsh [2009.07.26-19.05,44] Cratylus if it was intended to, then he is guilty of being unclear [2009.07.26-19.06,16] Davion@ADP He's supposed to be responsible for you misinterpretation? [2009.07.26-19.06,26] Cratylus nonsense. he was unclear [2009.07.26-19.06,34] Davion@ADP It was clear to me :S [2009.07.26-19.06,57] Cratylus well he wasnt explicit in accusing me [2009.07.26-19.07,08] Cratylus you're reading into it