%^RESET%^Jennybot says, "%^BOLD%^CYAN%^ Well, that about wraps it up for my spiel. Thank you for listening. If you get stuck or confused type "%^RED%^help%^BOLD%^CYAN%^" to enter the system help menus. If other players are in this room, you can communicate by typing: "%^RED%^say blah blah blah%^BOLD%^CYAN%^". Everyone in the same room will hear your conversation. If you know someone is logged in but they are not in the same room, you can communicate by typing: "%^RED%^tell joey blah blah blah%^BOLD%^CYAN%^". This is a private communication channel and you can also use it if you're in the same room and you want to discuss things you'd rather not share with bystanders. Oh, speaking of privacy...you don't have any. The University reserves the right to review, monitor, etc, yakety schmakety. Point is, anything that really really needs to stay private, still needs to be discussed face to face, in the real world. Have fun exploring!%^RESET%^"