YOU MUST READ THIS URL: ------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING: Do NOT modify the file called mudos.cfg. Doing so WILL cause the driver to fail. You must use c:\ds as your mud folder. To rename the mud, use the admintool command after you log in. WARNING: This will not work on WinME or Win98 or earlier versions of windows. ------------------------------------------------------------- 1) unzip the distribution file. 2) move the directory to c:\ 3) there should now be a c:\ds folder, containing bin, lib, etc. If there isn't one, rename the directory you just created to c:\ds If Dead Souls isn't in c:\ds , it won't run. For example, there should be a c:\ds\bin, c:\ds\lib, etc. 4) double-click on runmud.bat 5) telnet to your machine, using the port specified in bin/mudos.cfg. For example: telnet localhost 6666 6) Create a new user. Just answer the questions. Make sure you are the first person to log in, because that person is automatically given admin privileges. 7) You'll get booted out. Telnet back in, and you're now running Your Very Own MUD. 8) This Windows port is beta. We welcome suggestions for improvement. 9) If there is something actually wrong with this documentation, please visit Frontiers MUD and mudmail Cratylus. Details on this are in the /doc/SUPPORT file. 10) If you have connection problems, try again with your firewall disabled. 11) See the FAQ if you still have problems: