A Controversial Banishment
On October 22, 2006, I banned two muds from the imud_gossip channel,
also known as "igossip" and "intergossip" and "ig".
These bans were due to violations of the router rules as posted here.
A vigorous debate on the subject began the following day.
The unedited (except for colorization) transcript of that debate
[2006.10.23-20.27] Arren@Anarres II <imud_gossip> Cratylus, you
are a twat.
Cratylus@Dead Souls Demo <imud_gossip> yah?
Cratylus@Dead Souls Demo <imud_gossip> oh i see, lemme read the
Cratylus@Dead Souls Demo <imud_gossip> ya well, there's not that
much to explain here. i try to reason with people through tells and
emails, and if they still insist on being knuckleheads, there's only so
much "nice guy" i've got
Cratylus@Dead Souls Demo <imud_gossip> if that makes me a twat,
then so be it
Arren@Anarres II <imud_gossip> It does. (a) because you get
involved in things often better ignored (ok, so it's Bush's policy, but
does it have to be yours?)
Amun-Ra@Moraelinost <imud_gossip> test
Arren@Anarres II <imud_gossip> (b) because of the lack of
transparency in this administration. Handling matters privately is
difficult and makes people edgy.
Cratylus@Dead Souls Demo <imud_gossip> ah
Cratylus@Dead Souls Demo <imud_gossip> i thought handling things
privately was the Right Thing To Do
Cratylus@Dead Souls Demo <imud_gossip> are you sure you're not
mad just cuz yer not in the loop?
Arren@Anarres II <imud_gossip> (c) because you attempt to force a
new policy on a network with established norms, which throws (a) and
(b) into sharper relief.
Cratylus@Dead Souls Demo <imud_gossip> hmm
Arren@Anarres II <imud_gossip> I don't care any more than the
next person, but you should be concerned that people like me are
unhappy. If everybody's out of the loop except you, then what sort of
administration is this? Where is the community?
Cratylus@Dead Souls Demo <imud_gossip> ok, i will address each of
your points, if you're really serious
Arren@Anarres II <imud_gossip> I'm in no different position to
the next person, and it worries me.
Arren@Anarres II <imud_gossip> I'm totally serious.
Arren@Anarres II <imud_gossip> I hope Warmonger can see this too.
Cratylus@Dead Souls Demo <imud_gossip> there's a log page
somewhere, i'll post the url to ic
Cratylus@Dead Souls Demo <imud_gossip> ok the thing with a) i
don't understand. if i've established a rule and it's broken, how does
that not involve me?
Arren@Anarres II <imud_gossip> Are you running this network for
the benefit of the community, or for your own personal glory?
Arren@Anarres II <imud_gossip> If the former, you have to let the
community establish its own norms. If the latter, carry on as you rae.
Cratylus@Dead Souls Demo <imud_gossip> i thought i had been clear
in my motives. it would be pathetic indeed if i thought there was glory
to be had here
Arren@Anarres II <imud_gossip> Your motive should be to establish
a network for the benefit of the commnuity. This means that if someone
wants to say or do something, and the majority want to hear it, it
should be said or done. There is no thought police. If there are
complaints, then well and good. Publish the fact that there has been a
Cratylus@Dead Souls Demo <imud_gossip> i see
Arren@Anarres II <imud_gossip> By this process, the community
establishes its own norms, and everybody is happy. This is not
Cratylus@Dead Souls Demo <imud_gossip> i think you're mistaken
Arren@Anarres II <imud_gossip> And also, it removes you
personally from the role of thought-police, and hence removes you from
the line of fire, which you are currently putting yourself in.
Cratylus@Dead Souls Demo <imud_gossip> gjs had the sorry
reputation of being a miserable shithouse, and so it was
Cratylus@Dead Souls Demo <imud_gossip> because it was a free fire
Arren@Anarres II <imud_gossip> But it satisfied the norms of the
Cratylus@Dead Souls Demo <imud_gossip> part of the reason i broke
away in the first place was to avoid that situation
Cratylus@Dead Souls Demo <imud_gossip> the status quo was
resulting in fewer and fewer new people
Cratylus@Dead Souls Demo <imud_gossip> this might be ok with you
Cratylus@Dead Souls Demo <imud_gossip> but it's not ok with me
Cratylus@Dead Souls Demo <imud_gossip> part of the point of
yatmim is to avoid that crap
Arren@Anarres II <imud_gossip> Now the status quo is resulting in
fewer and fewer old people. Your recent actions are destroying the
community, and it's rapidly approaching the point of no recovery.
Cratylus@Dead Souls Demo <imud_gossip> if satisfying the old
people means they have to be fed new people, then starve
Arren@Anarres II <imud_gossip> Did you really have to destroy the
I3 community just to run your newbie-help-net?
Cratylus@Dead Souls Demo <imud_gossip> hang on
Cratylus@Dead Souls Demo <imud_gossip> am i responsible for the
death of gjs?
[2006.10.23-20.42] Llyr@Llyrland
<imud_gossip> The "make it more approachable by making it clean"
approach isn't really working well in my opinion based on this kind of
thing. Really it makes me more apprehensive to discuss anything beyond
technical matters, which doesn't do much to broaden my connection with
the 'community'.
Arren@Anarres II <imud_gossip> I3 _was_ an entity beyond gjs.
It's the community which is being destroyed, not any particular
instance thereof.
Cratylus@Dead Souls Demo <imud_gossip> i dont understand. you're
saying it's better to shut down yatmim than have rules on 6 channels?
[2006.10.23-20.43] Kenon@Autarchy
<imud_gossip> It interests me that there is so little traffic on
the other channels. Why? Is it hardcoded i3 implementations?
Arren@Anarres II <imud_gossip> I'm saying the I3 community, if it
is to continue, requires a router which permits it to behave according
to its established rules. Historically established rules. That could
happen on yatmim or somewhere else. But it is inappropriate to try to
reform an established community in your own image.
Arren@Anarres II <imud_gossip> By putting yourself in this
position, you are taking responsibility for it. Every mud admin who
joined yatmim, including me, did it for the reason that we wanted I3
back, not that we care about yatmim or gjs. Now it's turning out that
this isn't I3 as we believed it would be.
Cratylus@Dead Souls Demo <imud_gossip> if i had known gjs would
die, i would not have made ig a default channel on yatmim for ds muds.
but i did. and it did die. i will not accept fault for that.
Cratylus@Dead Souls Demo <imud_gossip> i should mention
Cratylus@Dead Souls Demo <imud_gossip> that the rules on yatmim
are just about the same as gjs
Cratylus@Dead Souls Demo <imud_gossip> except that on 6 channels,
they get enforced
Cratylus@Dead Souls Demo <imud_gossip> i don't know what's so
horrendous about having a set of rules to avoid hate speech and
cannibalizing newbies
Cratylus@Dead Souls Demo <imud_gossip> i's not like i'm after
people to be fucking polite
Arren@Anarres II <imud_gossip> This is a personal crusade and
should not be forced on the community. It's disgusting that you think
that you personally can do that.
Arren@Anarres II <imud_gossip> There isn't enough momentum in the
community any more for anyone else to set up a new router either. The
existing fragmentation has seen to that.
Cratylus@Dead Souls Demo <imud_gossip> well, i think you are 100%
absolutely wrong. but give me a while to think about what you've said.
Arren@Anarres II <imud_gossip> Nanvaent, OuterSpace, Discworld,
Anarres II, Haven, ... we ARE the community. We ARE right.
Akiinobu@Akiinobu's Dream <imud_gossip> why not just take
intergossip off the six list and make it non default for noobs? Its not
like free speech is used now.
Cratylus@Dead Souls Demo <imud_gossip> well
Arren@Anarres II <imud_gossip> If you think about this, and you
decide that you are right and everyone else is wrong, then you need to
think again.
Cratylus@Dead Souls Demo <imud_gossip> arren
Arren@Anarres II <imud_gossip> Because that's what it's boiling
down to.
Cratylus@Dead Souls Demo <imud_gossip> it is possible that
disallowing hate speech is reasonable?
Arren@Anarres II <imud_gossip> The point is not about any
particular instance of the enforcement. It's about the fact that
Cratylus is taking decisions in private, against the interests of the
Arren@Anarres II <imud_gossip> It's about the fact that the
"rules" do not reflect the desires or wishes of the community.
Arren@Anarres II <imud_gossip> And it's about the fact that this
is a monologue because those parties who would support me have been
banned in private, without consultation, by Cratylus.,
Cratylus@Dead Souls Demo <imud_gossip> nobody ever asked for a
role in the decision making process before
Arren@Anarres II <imud_gossip> Nobody should have to. You should
be sensitive to the issues before putting yourself in the position.
Cratylus@Dead Souls Demo <imud_gossip> so is the real beef that
you dont know what happened?
Arren@Anarres II <imud_gossip> I don't know what happened, no
consensus was established, and I disagree with the outcome.
Arren@Anarres II <imud_gossip> Not just on this matter, but on
several previous matters.
Cratylus@Dead Souls Demo <imud_gossip> i think then that the
problem is that your don't recognize the legitimacy of my authority ot
admin the router
Arren@Anarres II <imud_gossip> Including the one involving me,
where I responded "no" to you just to see whether you would take action
in the absence of even a complaint, just because you personally thought
the world ought to be arranged differently. And you very nearly did. I
didn't care what you did, but the path of this administration was
already clear.
Arren@Anarres II <imud_gossip> I recognise your legitimacy over
the router, but not over the community or its norms and values.
Arren@Anarres II <imud_gossip> Do not confuse the two.
Halcyon@Dracul's Castle <imud_gossip> This is a bizarre argument.
Wintermute@NeuromancerMUD <imud_gossip> Good evening everyone.
Halcyon@Dracul's Castle <imud_gossip> Crat set up a network, very
similar to an existing network, because he didn't like the way the
existing network was run. That's pretty much a universally recognized
justification on the internet. 'if you don't like it, start your own'
Cratylus@Dead Souls Demo <imud_gossip> i'm honestly confused
Halcyon@Dracul's Castle <imud_gossip> And now he's meant to
change the way this one runs to match the old one, because the old one
imploded of its own accord?
Cratylus@Dead Souls Demo <imud_gossip> the rules for this router
were clear, but you're only complaining now
Arren@Anarres II <imud_gossip> And because he explicitly invited
the old muds to join this new network, in such a way that it seemed he
was rebuilding the I3 community.
Cratylus@Dead Souls Demo <imud_gossip> i worded them to be as
clea as possible as to my intent
Cratylus@Dead Souls Demo <imud_gossip> and every invitation was
accompanied with an emphatic pointer to those rules
Cratylus@Dead Souls Demo <imud_gossip> so i'm trying to
understand a reason, other than sentiment, for this reaction
Arren@Anarres II <imud_gossip> I've held my tongue until now. I
try to be patient and accomodating.
Cratylus@Dead Souls Demo <imud_gossip> since it should be no
surprise when a rule is enforced
Cratylus@Dead Souls Demo <imud_gossip> but
Cratylus@Dead Souls Demo <imud_gossip> you could have mentioned
Cratylus@Dead Souls Demo <imud_gossip> and then we might not have
gotten here
Arren@Anarres II <imud_gossip> I'm mentioning it now.
Cratylus@Dead Souls Demo <imud_gossip> i guess you are
Arren@Anarres II <imud_gossip> I'm mentioning it now because it's
not too late for the community.
Cratylus@Dead Souls Demo <imud_gossip> so you propose that i
revoke all rules from applying to ig
Cratylus@Dead Souls Demo <imud_gossip> does that about cover it?
Arren@Anarres II <imud_gossip> I propose that the application of
the rules match as closely as possible the application on gjs.
Arren@Anarres II <imud_gossip> Which wasn't particularly formal,
but if enough people murmured, then consensus was assumed.
Arren@Anarres II <imud_gossip> And actions were so rare that it
caused no trouble.
Halcyon@Dracul's Castle <imud_gossip> Why not just start up a new
gjs router?
Cratylus@Dead Souls Demo <imud_gossip> well
Cratylus@Dead Souls Demo <imud_gossip> about a month or two ago,
i foresaw something along these lines
Arren@Anarres II <imud_gossip> Bear in mind that you know nothing
about me, and without giving too much away, I fall into several of the
target categories of the "speech" on here, and I am not complaining.
Cratylus@Dead Souls Demo <imud_gossip> i figured eventually
someone would push the envelope to see how far it would go, i would ban
them, and then all hell would break loose
Cratylus@Dead Souls Demo <imud_gossip> though i hadnt guessed it
would be arren
Marajin@Andromeda <imud_gossip> mmm buggerit
Cratylus@Dead Souls Demo <imud_gossip> because of this
Cratylus@Dead Souls Demo <imud_gossip> i reviewed what the point
of the rules were
Cratylus@Dead Souls Demo <imud_gossip> and how it might be avoided
Cratylus@Dead Souls Demo <imud_gossip> i went back to the ds
distribution and modified it
Cratylus@Dead Souls Demo <imud_gossip> so that the standard
distro actually did not contain ig as a default channel
Cratylus@Dead Souls Demo <imud_gossip> this, i felt, would help
new people avoid problems should ig break loose
Cratylus@Dead Souls Demo <imud_gossip> and i could ease up on the
ig rules as time went on and current ds muds became older ds muds
Arren@Anarres II <imud_gossip> I think that time needs to be now.
Cratylus@Dead Souls Demo <imud_gossip> so, i understand what
you're saying, and we're more or less agreed on ig being traditionally
a cesspool, and i don't really have the energy to stop it being so
Arren@Anarres II <imud_gossip> And I mean now, this minute.
Cratylus@Dead Souls Demo <imud_gossip> i think you can see i'm
trying to be reasonable
Cratylus@Dead Souls Demo <imud_gossip> maybe you could make an
effort too
Arren@Anarres II <imud_gossip> I can. I'm very happy that you are
considering these issues.
Arren@Anarres II <imud_gossip> But I still think that the recent
actions were a mistake, and need to be rectified.
Cratylus@Dead Souls Demo <imud_gossip> the admins of the muds in
question were emailed. the email said, basically, "i pulled you from
the channel temporarily. email me if you want to be back on, and i will
make it so"
Cratylus@Dead Souls Demo <imud_gossip> i have not received that
Arren@Anarres II <imud_gossip> And nor will you until the
timezones are right, and people have spare time. That doesn't make your
actions any less the mistake, but does permit you to stand upon your
Cratylus@Dead Souls Demo <imud_gossip> for me to be "standing on
my pride" would mean that i don't think there is merit to my position.
that is not the case.
Arren@Anarres II <imud_gossip> Then you will reverse it
immediately, since it is without merit.
Cratylus@Dead Souls Demo <imud_gossip> i think you are mistaken
Halcyon@Dracul's Castle <imud_gossip> I'm curious as to what
instigated this.
Arren@Anarres II <imud_gossip> And the natural evolution will
bring back the community social norms on I3, and the next release of
dead souls will move people off igossip by default, and there will be a
little uncomfortable time for both sides in the middle, but neither
side will be outraged by Cratylus's personal actions, and everyone will
look forward to a better future.
Halcyon@Dracul's Castle <imud_gossip> not that it's necessarily
any of my business, but since we are being treated to the argument... :)
Cratylus@Dead Souls Demo <imud_gossip> someone on some mud is in
the habit of making comments that violate the rules of the router, and
they were repeated warned, and kept doing it, so their mud was
temporarily blocked from 1 channel
Cratylus@Dead Souls Demo <imud_gossip> that's about it
Cratylus@Dead Souls Demo <imud_gossip> given that the rules were
spelled out, and not unreasonable, i think you can see why i might be a
little surprised at this reaction
Arren@Anarres II <imud_gossip> There should be a consensus in the
community for such an action. There was not. Neither from the existing
community, nor from the new dead-souls crowd.
Cratylus@Dead Souls Demo <imud_gossip> i figured someone would
fly off the handle
Cratylus@Dead Souls Demo <imud_gossip> just not arren
Arren@Anarres II <imud_gossip> Why not me?
Cratylus@Dead Souls Demo <imud_gossip> you seem pretty level
headed. i would have expected some sort of objection prior
Arren@Anarres II <imud_gossip> Perhaps I am simply more patient
than you gave me credit for. I am now objecting.
Arren@Anarres II <imud_gossip> I think I'm making a clear
argument. I think I am making an argument which will gain consensus. I
am not going to make any claims about consensus, I will let people
state their own support or opposition.
Cratylus@Dead Souls Demo <imud_gossip> i think that what will
happen is that the admins will reply and i will let them back on,
that's what i think will happen
Hellmonger@Trilogy <imud_gossip> hate
Arren@Anarres II <imud_gossip> I fully acknowledge Cratylus's
hegemony over yatmim, but I do not acknowledge his authority over the
I3 community.
[2006.10.23-21.20] Zaphod@Dead
Souls Demo <imud_gossip> go start a router.
Hellmonger@Trilogy <imud_gossip> is there another fascism debate?
Cratylus@Dead Souls Demo <imud_gossip> apparently
Arren@Anarres II <imud_gossip> I don't want a router. I don't
claim authority over I3 either.
Hellmonger@Trilogy <imud_gossip> I just came here to ask for some
advice on preparing my pasta
[2006.10.23-21.21] Zaphod@Dead
Souls Demo <imud_gossip> water
[2006.10.23-21.21] Zaphod@Dead
Souls Demo <imud_gossip> heat it up
[2006.10.23-21.21] Zaphod@Dead
Souls Demo <imud_gossip> drop pasta in
Hellmonger@Trilogy <imud_gossip> As I don't want a fucking red
sauce, I figured i'd just cook some veggies in oil to serve over the
Hellmonger@Trilogy <imud_gossip> But I'd like some meat with it
Hellmonger@Trilogy <imud_gossip> So I acquired some italian
Hellmonger@Trilogy <imud_gossip> and I was wondering the best way
to prepare it. Cook the meat with the veggies? cook the
meat seperately?
[2006.10.23-21.22] Zaphod@Dead
Souls Demo <imud_gossip> is it soy?
Wintermute@NeuromancerMUD <imud_gossip> what veggies? and what
sausage? chorizo?
Arren@Anarres II <imud_gossip> wop, he said.
Arren@Anarres II <imud_gossip> Is that the right word?
Hellmonger@Trilogy <imud_gossip> italian sausage
Hellmonger@Trilogy <imud_gossip> with tomatos, onions, bell
peppers, and garlic
Halcyon@Dracul's Castle <imud_gossip> Arren, you were invited
here. If this router hadn't been created, there would be no I3
community left, since apparently it's nearly impossible to start up a
router. This is just a bizarre argument.
Wintermute@NeuromancerMUD <imud_gossip> onions and garlic first,
then add the peppers, next the sausage, finally the tomatoes, the juice
from the sausage will then be soaked up by the veggies and spread the
Hellmonger@Trilogy <imud_gossip> cook the sausage?
Hellmonger@Trilogy <imud_gossip> or cook it in the pan with the
onion and garlic
[2006.10.23-21.25] Zaphod@Dead
Souls Demo <imud_gossip> you prolly wouldn't want it raw
Hellmonger@Trilogy <imud_gossip> precook even
Wintermute@NeuromancerMUD <imud_gossip> nope, into the pan with
the veggies
Hellmonger@Trilogy <imud_gossip> I'm debating on using links or
crumbled sausage
Akiinobu@Akiinobu's Dream <imud_gossip> links cut up are better
[2006.10.23-21.26] Zaphod@Dead
Souls Demo <imud_gossip> totally
Wintermute@NeuromancerMUD <imud_gossip> yep
Hellmonger@Trilogy <imud_gossip> how do you cut up a link
correctly without cooking it first?
Halcyon@Dracul's Castle <imud_gossip> to make a loose metaphor,
it's as if I were a player on a mud where anarchy ruled, and then one
day the mud closed, and I joined another mud because it happened to run
on the same codebase, and got upset because the community there had
different rules.
Hellmonger@Trilogy <imud_gossip> I respect Crat for starting this
router and attempting to bring order to it
Wintermute@NeuromancerMUD <imud_gossip> with a very sharp knife
Hellmonger@Trilogy <imud_gossip> but really, he's nothing but a
very stupid fucking <insert racial slur here>.
Arren@Anarres II <imud_gossip> Hellmonger, Wikipedia has a really
useful list.
Hellmonger@Trilogy <imud_gossip> In fact, I bet he <insert
obscene sex act> with his <insert family member> or his
Hellmonger@Trilogy <imud_gossip> a list of what?
Arren@Anarres II <imud_gossip> Racial slurs.
Halcyon@Dracul's Castle <imud_gossip> Shocking accusations.
Wintermute@NeuromancerMUD <imud_gossip> but don't cook it first,
that will destroy the flavour, if you have to, put it in the pan first
for a couple of minutes, just to seal it from the outside, then cut it
Hellmonger@Trilogy <imud_gossip> racial slur database is good.
Hellmonger@Trilogy <imud_gossip> halcyon. Were you halcyon
who knew vidor or iizuka?
Arren@Anarres II <imud_gossip> Oh wow, history!
Halcyon@Dracul's Castle <imud_gossip> No... I'm pretty much a
Hellmonger@Trilogy <imud_gossip> oh yeah, sun dried
tomatos. in with the regular tomatos, or in with the onions and
Wintermute@NeuromancerMUD <imud_gossip> i'd put the sun dried in
Hellmonger@Trilogy <imud_gossip> Sounds good.
Hellmonger@Trilogy <imud_gossip> thanks!
Wintermute@NeuromancerMUD <imud_gossip> enjoy!
Akiinobu@Akiinobu's Dream <imud_gossip> add some fresh basil and
it will be perfect
Hellmonger@Trilogy <imud_gossip> i don't have fresh basil.
Hellmonger@Trilogy <imud_gossip> i probably have dry basil